Thursday, August 30, 2007
So here's what I have done in regards to my day to day nutrition. i worked/am working with a nutritionist to help me to improve my body composition and to also recover better from my workouts. I changed my eating habits alot in the last few months. I have probably doubled my veggie and fruit consumption and reduced my protien consumption of animal protein.
The day before the race I had oatmeal for breakfast. Lunch was a turkey sandwich. Dinner quinoa w/ mushrooms, roasted potatos, and some chicken.
Breakfast was cornbread, quinoa, bagel & peanut butter. I'm guessing about 600 calories or so. And don't forget the diet coke, I had stayed off caffeine for 2 weeks prior to the race.
After the swim I got on the bike and I had 3 bottles of perpetuem, 1 bottle of gluekos and 1 bottle of water. I sipped my water for the first 20 minutes or so. I ended up spitting out about a quarter of my water because I didn't need that much water and needed to start my perpetuem and needed to put it in my aero bottle.
I drank about 1 bottle of perpetuem an hour on the bike. I had a little bit of gas during the first part of the bike but it eventually stopped. Going up richeter I started drinking the gluekos. Over the rolling hills I drank my last bottle of perpetuem. unfortunately I was out of my own nutrition and needed some more nutrition so grabbed water and used some of the hammer gel I had on my bike but that wasn't working so well for me. So at the next stop I took gatorade and that helped.
I was taking about 1 additional salt tab per hour. I had already put 1 tablet in each bottle to begin with.
Special needs was further out than I had anticipated. I was happy to get my special needs and get my bottles. I had put 3 bottles of perpetuem on the bike. I drank about 2.5 of them from special needs on through to T2. My stomach felt a bit bloated on the bike. I hadn't stopped and peed the entire time I was on teh bike which was concerning me.
In T2 I finally peed. I didn't want to take the time but it made sense to do it then since I didn't know if the blue rooms would be open or if I'd have to wait.
I had a bottle of Gluekos and I also had a flast of gluekos as well. I ran the first 6 miles without stopping. I never walked until I got to the bathroom at mile 7. I had finished my flask by mile 4. By mile 8 I needed to refill my bottle. I had most of that gone by the time I was at the turn around. I grabbed my other bottle at special needs. I drank most of that on the way out by mile 18. Filled my bottle again and drank about half of it. In the last 10 K I switched to pepsi on the course. And that was the magical formula. It was perfect. My stomach settled down and I got a 4th wind.
A Brilliant Day
Monday, August 27, 2007
I had a secret, unpublished goal for this race:
- Swim 1:15
- Bike 6:30
- Run 5:30
- Transitions 10 minutes between the two
I figured if I made all these I would be done in 13:20.
So how did I do?
- Swim: 1:15:29
- T1: 3:26
- Bike:6.27
- T2: 6:26
- Run: 5:20:56
- Total: 13:13:48
I woke at 4 am.... OK not exactly. I woke at 2 am or so and tried to at least relax and rest since I couldn't sleep. So I started my day prior to 4 am by eating what sounded good for breakfast. I started with a little quinoa that I had left over from the night before for my protein and then had 1/2 a bagel with peanut butter and then some cornbread with honey. I just ate what sounded good at the moment. I tried to eat enough but not too much. It seemed to work well for me.
I had decided not to look at my watch coming out of the swim because I was nervous that if I didn't make my goal time or at least do what I have in the past that I would be discouraged and it might affect my attitude. When I came out I saw Zan right ahead of me. I tapped her on the back and said howdy and she told me I made my time! I was thrilled. My legs had started to cramp up on the swim. I don't know why I repeatedly have this issue during an IM swim. I swim this distance all the time and I don't have the issue except when I am in an Ironman even though I have taken electrolytes prior to the swim. I usually take 2 tablets prior to the swim so its not an electrolyte issue. I kind of wonder if its because the wetsuit restricts my muscles of the blood flow that I get cramps.
My mantra for the day was to stay in the moment and stay curious. So I just let the cramps relax and tried to deal with what was happening in that moment instead of worrying about the rest of the day.
The Bike
I flew out to Osoyoos. I think my avg speed was about 22 mph. It didn't feel like we had a tailwind until we turned up richter then I knew that the rest of the bike was going to get tough. I chose to shift to my easiest gear and do my best to save my legs for the run. I spun up richter and then flew down the other side passing cars that were slowing for other cyclists.
When I hit the rollers i just tried to relax and again tell myself that I needed to save my legs. So I took full advantage of the down hills and then spun up the other side. i was glad to tick off 7 in my head and just be faced with wind.
Being such a big race it was hard not to draft. I am strong on the flats so I tend to fall behind on the climbs and then catch back up on the flats. It was really windy but I tried to stay back 3 bike lengths from everyone but is hard to do that when it is just a steady stream of cyclists.
We got to the out and back and I was getting worried. I was completely out of nutrition on my bike. I had taken water at the last aide station to wash down the hammer gel but my stomach wasn't dealing with the hammer gel very well. So I ended up grabbing gatorade at the next aid station. I was afraid of what would happen because hammer tells you not to mix corn syrup with their products but I was getting desperate.
Next year I need to remember that special needs is about mile 85 so I need to carry concentrated versions of things on my bike and then dilute them with water because I was out. Once I had a tailwind I got my second wind. I had gotten retty tired pushing into the wind even thought I had tried to tell myself to take it easy. Fortunately the out and back gave me an opportunity to ease up and finally get some more nutrition on board.
At the turnaround we were back into the head wind but it didn't feel so bad for some reason. I was hoping to see Zan after the turn around and wish her luck but I didn't. Once we got onto 97 the wind was blowing right into our face. It is a little bit of a down hill but I was just trying to spin it out in a small gear. There were lots of people trying to push a big gear but with that headwind it didn't make any sense. It also started to sprinkle just a little.
Quite frankly I was happy to see the start of the climb to yellow lake because I knew finally we would be out fo the wind and soon I could rock and roll the descent.
As usual I fell behind on the climb but not too bad. Many had faded much more than I had. I was keeping up with most of the women climbing at this point. The men still passed, no surprise there.
When we finally got to the top I just let it go. I relaxed and enjoyed the drop into Penticton and saw my avg speed bump up from below 17 to by the time I reached T2 17.4. I was stoked.
I hadn't had to stop which concerned me a bit. I had to pee a little but not too bad. I hoped I wasn't underhydrated.
In T2 I quickly made the decisions aobut what I would and wouldn't need. I prayed it wouldn't be too cool for a tank on the run but on the way in on teh bike i noticed lots of people wearing taknks so I figured I would be OK.
To be finished later
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Looking good
We just saw Deb just below Yellow Lake and she had a big smile on her face. We actually saw her at 1:36
The weather is still great - about 75.Way to go Deb
Deb is out of the water
Deb got out at aroung 1:12. I think I missed her bike exit
The day is perfect for the race. The clouds are clearing and it is only supposed to get to about 75
We are headed to Richter Pass to see her on the bike. Keep 5eb in your thoughts today. And Zan too!
My roles
I didn't sleep much last night. Surprise. I never sleep well the night prior to an ironman and while I couldn't sleep I thought about all my different roles. Partner. Mom. Grandma. Sister daughter friend. Mentor. Student. Training partner. Coworker. That's a lot of roles. But today I get to draw upon all those who call me by all those names and just focus on being an ironman.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I have the best support team ever!!!
I am so overwhelmed by the amount of support and love I have in my life. I am one of the luckiest people in the world; to be loved so much and have the good fortune of being able to do this eztraordinary event. I am the luckiest person in the world
Just here in penticton I have my very own IronCrew. Cate of course is here as always supporting me in following my dream. Steph and E'llee here giving me all their love. My mom who I have asked to cross the finish line with me. My brother and his wacky fun kids jmeson and jessica. My sister who rescued me from my cornbread crisis and kirt, danae and greggory. Then Jen my buddy who I miss so much is here on her holiday all the way from New Zealand.
I am ready to go I acnt wait to see what the day has in store for me tomorrow.
Tomorrow I hope to do all these people on proud.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Ironman experience
So today I did a quick 30 minute swim, then had breakfast while soaking in the Penticton rays. Then went to go stand in line for .... at least an hour to get my registration stuff. Came back to the room and decided to drive the course tomorrow instead of today. Watched a video about Lance Armstrong. The thing that I really liked about that is the very end where they say that the Tour de France is about life and that is what doing an Ironman is to me; it's about celebrating life.
Then tonight went for a quick little 30 minute run then just checked out my bike.
It is really hard not going out and working out. It is such an ingrained habit that its hard to not take advantage of the ambience and weather and do a real workout. I keep reminding myself that I am here for the race. There is absolutely nothing I can do to gain any fitness at this point! It's all there or not at this point. I only can make myself tired at this point. So all I have to do is remember how to swim bike and run at the pace I want to maintain. So that's what I'm doing in my workouts. Getting myself to race pace right from the outset.
Tomorrow is a morning swim, massage, breakfast and then a quick bike of the run course. Then out to drive the course. Then home to take it easy in the afternoon then to the meeting tomorrow night. Then bed early and sleep as late as possible on Saturday.
That's when the nerves will start settling in. Checking in my bike and gear and then the mandatory meeting. Then home to settle down and finish special needs bags and all my bottles that will go on my bike. Then Sunday its the test! WooHoo!
So today i weighed in about 19 pounds than my lowest race weight todate! So hopefully that will make a huge difference! I'm trying not to think beyond Sunday because I know that I will go through the post Ironman Glow and then the Post Ironman Blues. So no thinking beyond Sunday.... Stay in the moment and enjoy every minute I can.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I found my theme song
'Cuz I Can by Pink
Here's my version of the spoken part.
Rock n roll
I train more than you
I work harder than you do
And my bike is faster than yours TOO!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Heat Miser

There's a striking resemblance eh?
I did my hair, bleach and color, on Friday. I do this for a couples reasons:
- To be seen on the course; the blond helps me stand out
- To remind myself that I do this stuff because it is fun
- I love this kind of stuff and it's the only time I can really get away with it!
So just call me HEATMISER! That will be my name for the race!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Final swim lesson

What am I going to do? Am I going to do a 2 beat kick a 6 beat kick? WHat am I going to think about?
It's funny that in many ways my biggest concern for the race is my swim. It's the thing that is probably the most technically easy thing for me because the distance isn't overwhelming. It's the first thing so I know I won't be tired, under hydrated, over-hydrated, not enough electrolytes, etc. etc. All those millions of things you have to really start thinking about post swim. The swim is easy you hop in the water and swim 2.4 miles and that's it! There's no real equipment failure concerns. I guess I could get kicked in the face, lose my goggles, but those are all things outside my control.
So why am I concerned. Because I want to pull of an improved swim and I'm a bit afraid that if I don't do it that it could affect my attitude for the rest of the race. So let's put this into perspective shall we?
My last 2 Ironmans I swam in about the same time ~1:19. That is a 1:53/100 yard pace. If I go slower than that next Sunday what is it really going to mean? Will it mean all my hard work in swimming was just wasted time? Will it mean that I am going to have a crappy race for the rest of the day? Does it mean I'm a loser that I couldn't possibly that SLOW!
No it doesn't. It is what it is! It is just not even 1/3 of the race really! It is 1.5 hours out of basically a 14 hour day. That really is only 10% of the day. I need to keep it in perspective.
So here's my plan!
- 6 beat kick
- keep elbows high at the beginning
- find position at beginning of race and then settle into my pace
- don't slack off, don't get too comfortable
- Focus on one thing at a time
- Come out with a smile on my face and ready to ride!
It really is easy! That's all I have to do. I know I won't go too hard on the swim. I know that I am likely to be cautious versus overly aggressive. So there we go.
Just swim!
Friday, August 10, 2007
So now I'm looking at my numbers for the past year. Have I done enough? Am I ready? Will I be able to do it again? Will I achieve my goals?
This year I really feel like I completely committed myself to my training. I worked on everything that I felt like I needed to really concentrate on.
My run is my weakness so I have increased my volume and I have also really focused on recovering from my increase in volume by adding yoga into my routine. I am convinced that I have been able to get rid of my patella tendon issues and my plantar fascitis because of yoga.
Climbing is my weakness on the bike so I have lost about 20 lbs from my last IM. That really helps on the up hills. I have also had my bike fitted so that I am in a better position on my bike. That also has made a huge difference.
I have worked with a swim coach taking private lessons to improve my swim which is where it is hardest for me to make improvements as I have YEARS of habits engrained into my stroke.
On top of that I have been working with a nutritionist to improve my body composition and that has been going incredibly well. I have worked really hard on changing my habits and it seems to really be working. I feel good. It is hard sometimes but this past week when I have been cooking for myself it has made a huge difference. My protein intake has been way down. There are even days when I don't eat meat. like today.... no meat at all.
Even though I'm scared about the race. It is from my healthy respect for the distance. It is overwhelming when you look at the full distance. I know that what I need to remember more than anything else is to stay in the moment and not get ahead of myself. All I have to do is keep going.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Peak Week #1
My goals for the next two weeks are:
- To lose another pound each week (this will put me right at my goal weight for this race)
- To focus on my break through workouts and get to them fresh and have them be high quality instead of quantity.
- Practice transitions.
So this week my key workouts are:
- Tuesday: 90 min ride, 30 min run
- Saturday: 3 hour ride, 30 min run
- Friday: Practice Transitions
Its hard for me to bring down my volume but I'm really trying to do this right.