Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Knowledge, Skill & Desire

The tri of triathlon, don't you think.

Also Limitless Potential. Don't we all have limitless potential. We may not always get faster but we can always improve and grow in some way in these three areas of triathlon.

I am relistening to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people and listening toward teh end of applying these principles to my triathlon training. Ironically the Triathlete Magazine had a similar article in their last issue but they focused differently than what I have focused.

More on this later....

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Getting back on the wagon

Tomorrow I'm going to try to run into work. We'll see how that goes. Today I ran for 45 minutes and it didn't feel too bad it's just that with the big bruise on my leg the pounding kind of hurts and the pounding also hurts my ribs eventually too. I'll try taking some ibuprofen before I go and see how that goes. I want to do those things I can while I am recovering from my accident. Running and biking are really the only things i can do>

I am doing very poorly on nutrition right now I completely overate tonight. i don't know why either. The ffod was there and no one else was which is a bad combination for me. I want to be good again but my motivation is so low right now. I have regained everything I lost which really sucks but i have no one to blame but me.