Monday, August 06, 2007

Peak Week #1

This is my first week of peak. These last few weeks are the toughest for me in many ways. This is where I pull down the volume and start realizing that I either have done the work or not. There is no way to backload the work. But I feel really confident that I have done the work this season. I think I've done a really good job of training and being focused this year.

My goals for the next two weeks are:
  1. To lose another pound each week (this will put me right at my goal weight for this race)
  2. To focus on my break through workouts and get to them fresh and have them be high quality instead of quantity.
  3. Practice transitions.

So this week my key workouts are:

  • Tuesday: 90 min ride, 30 min run
  • Saturday: 3 hour ride, 30 min run
  • Friday: Practice Transitions

Its hard for me to bring down my volume but I'm really trying to do this right.

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