Sunday, April 05, 2009

Trying to get back on the wagon

This weekend I created a training plan for training for the Portland Marathon. The date is October 4. I think I have a pretty good plan. Obviously it concentrates on running. My goals for the race are to finish the marathon and to get back on the fitness wagon.

Life has been really stressful lately and I have been neglecting my own health. I want to start taking care of myself again. I'm tired of eating like crap and feeling like my life is out of my control. I need to pull myself out of this funk. I know that I have missed the endorphines and how that helps me just balance my life.

I want to live a healthy life. I want to live a full life. I don't want to have health issues. I have been really lucky in my life that I have had a healthy life. But that's not because I have always tried to keep myself healthy. It's time I start making sure that I live a healthy life whether I am training for something or not, whether I have alot of stress in my life or not.

I have been using food to handle my stress and make myself feel different. I need to stop doing that. The food doesn't make me feel better. It just distracts me.

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