Last night I ran for an hour and just felt light and fast. I never feel light and fast on my bike. I feel fast and strong. In the water I sometimes feel long and strong but never light and fast. It's a fun sensation. I love it.
I think part of it is because I am allowing myself to relax and just lean into my run. I am enjoying running at night too. It's nice to do that at the end of the day. It's a great way to wrap up the day.
I am also slowly discovering my fitness again. My body is changing. My muscles are becoming more apparent again and I a quick step again and a huge amount of energy. It's good to feel that returning.
I have been doing alot of thinking about running lately. I have a hard time psychologically psyching myself up for a marathon. When it's part of an Ironman I can do it but just the marathon is difficult. I think it's for a couple reasons. In a triathlon, I get a chance to feel like I am faster and stronger than others in the swim and bike that the run isn't so psychologically difficult. But when I just run I never feel like I really belong or excel (although I hope that will change in the near future).
The other thing is that I am enjoying being injury free. I keep thinking about Gordo Byrn's picture of turning a styrofoam cup inside out. It has to be done slowly. That's what I feel like with running right now. I am increasing my frequency and intensity but not so much the duration right now and I feel fabulous. Can you truly do all three at the same time and stay injury free. I remember getting up in the mornings and barely being able to walk the next day. I remember the pain in my knees the day after a long run. I don't miss that stuff. I want to be able to run long but I also want to be able to run long comfortably. That's my goal now. To increase my duration frequency and intensity while remaining pain free (or minimal pain). Somehow I think maybe you can do this and not abuse your body.
The other thing I have been pondering is why am I feeling such an improvement in my running right now. I think it is a few things:
- I have decided to just let go and relax and quit trying so damn hard at it.
- I relax more when i run
- My nutrition feels like it is right in balance. I am losing weight but at a comfortable speed. Before I would starve myself. I think that really effected my recovery. Now I'm trying to do enough but not too much. It's good.