Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Goals for IM Canada 2007

It may be a little early to begin posting my goals for IMC 2007 race however I have been thinking about this for awhile:
  1. Goes without saying, FINISH
  2. Stay positive
  3. Finish in 13:30 (That is 30 minutes faster than my last Ironman)
  4. Race at 170 pounds or less
  5. Swim: 1:15
  6. Bike <6:30
  7. Run 5:15
  8. Stretch goal 13:00 hours

I also have training goals:

  1. Train with others and learn from other's experiences
  2. Train with others and share my experiences
  3. Get down to my goal weight by the 26 weeks prior to race (before real training begins)

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