Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Importance of Rest

Today it hit me how important rest is when training. I am well rested today for the first time in probably many weeks as I have averaged about 17 - 21 hours of training for the past two or so months. It has become such a routine for me that it is hard to not train sometimes. When I take a day off I feel like I'm being lazy.

Because my family was in town for Thanksgiving I didn't have my usual routine to fall back on because my schedule was interupted with other priorities (like spending time with my niece and nephew!) :) So Thursday I did a longer run (75 minutes) and Saturday I did a "run" with my niece and nephew on their bikes and then pulled them to OMSI in the buggie. Friday and Sunday were busy but no "training". Monday it was icy so I did ride and I was too tired from not being able to sleep that I couldn't motivate myself to get to the gym to run. (Plus I didn't want to walk in the cold.)

Today I swam, ran and lifted. Tonight I go to TKD. I felt great swimming. I felt like the quality was much higher than it usually is. Same with my run and strength training session. I ran faster than I have in awhile with little effort. My swim this morning felt good. I felt smooth and it wasn't a struggle to maintain form.

So maybe I need to rest more and train less.... I don't think I put myself into a peaking scenario I just think that I typically go into a training session tired. That is the norm for me. I rarely feel like I have fresh legs. I rarely go out and don't have something that hurts me from the previous days workouts.

I think I need to find a balance. Not sure what that looks like at this point but I have time right now to experiment with it. The focus is to build fitness not maintain fitness and that is what I feel like I'm doing right now and that I am on the verge of potential injury.

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