Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hood to Coast Recovery

Today was my first workout/run since Hood to Coast. I feel pretty good about everything. I found that there was no pain in any of the joints. My quads were a very different story however. Running uphill was fine but boy downhill its as if I could feel all the little tears in my muscle. It tells me that you use your muscles differently in those two activities. My guess is that it is either the contracting of the muscle of the lengthening of hte muscle that you use in one and not the other because I believe it is still the same muscle itself.

Today I worked on eating like a naturally slender person. I ate when I was hungry and tried to stop when I felt satisfied. That was probably the hardest part especially if something was particularly good. I had to remind myself of the abundance. I had made 2 yummy mushroom pizzas and only ate one although I really wanted to eat the other. THe other thing I made was a shrimp salad sandwich which was also very yummy. I had half a bagel with it and fruit and just a few doritos. It again was hard to stop with just that. I am going to work on thinking about stretching the flavor versus sucking it all in at the beginning. THere is an abundance and I can always make it again. I do not have to eat it all right now.

The other thing I've noticed this week is that we have soooooo much food in our house at any one time. I haven't had to make a trip to the store all week. I actually have a hard time using up all the fresh veggies and fruit before they go bad. LEarning how to shop for the quantity you need is an art. So is cooking for a small group. We seem to always have more than we need. It feels like we always have to have leftovers and that you only want so much leftovers. I think this is another area to work on because it all feeds into the other.

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