Saturday, September 12, 2009

Still recovering...

I got something akin to the flu this week. I couldn't sleep Tuesday night and my stomach was upset. I ended up throwing up and had soreness, headache etc. for the next two days. That's all it lasted so I'm not sure if it was flu or if it was more like something I ate. We had gone to Red Robin and I had fries that were really greasy and that could have set my stomach off.

I haven't done much this week. Today I ran for the first time and really the last real run before the 1/2 Ironman. I did a 90 minute run and did the Lance Armstrong Interval workout for the first 40 minutes and then just ran for the last 40. It felt good. I have been a bit concerned about my fitness for the 1/2 Ironman but really at this point there is little I can do. I certainly have not been following a training plan, more of a fitness plan. It will be interesting to see how it goes.

I'm pretty sure I got infected when I did the Hood to Coast. A note remembering that an event like that can really cost you with long term effects.

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