Saturday, January 06, 2007

Running Routes

I am a bit scared for the 1/2 marathon I have coming up in 2 weeks. WOW! It is getting close. So I'm trying to up my mileage just to see if I can. SO today I was supposed to do a training ride with Zan but she called and said she wasn't feeling well so since it wasn't raining what a perfect time for a long run. So I took off. no watch. Just me and my iPod out to do a route I have never done before.

Unfortunately I wasn't really thinking because the route I chose had all the water fountains off since it's been pretty cold lately so I ran without water or nutrition the whole time. I ran for 1:45. Not too bad. Another 3.5 or so miles I'm done with a marathon. So that was good. It was a good run. My legs weren't giving out on me. My endurance was good. I'd have to way the weak link was my back. It was getting tired. So I guess I really need to look at doing some back strengthening exercises. I think I'll call Kris and see if I can get her list.

I'm really focusing on using my abdominal muscles now when I run and swim. I have never really thought of them before. I just kind of let them hang out but now I'm trying to engage them and that makes a big difference.

When I got back I mapped my run using It's basically google earth but it's nice because you can also mark different points with like bathroom, water, etc. Nice to know on long runs and rides. You can also subscribe to someone's RSS feed for a route. I think I like it so I signed up. (IT's free) If you want to see my public routes go to:

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