Monday, April 23, 2007

Base 2 Week 2 Long Run

Yesterday, Sunday, was a recovery day for me. I didn't do anything but run errands with Cate and try on clothes. :) I actually bought a couple small sized tops! Believe it or not.

So today is long run day. I run basically 3 times today. To work. A warm up before weights and then a run home from the Max. It ends up being about 15 miles total.

I slept like crap last night. I woke at 1 and couldn't settle back down. I took a shower and took some Tylenol PM and finally fell back asleep around 3:30. But when you wake at 5 that's not's a whole lot of sleep. Oh well I had 10 hours the night before and will likely sleep fine tonight.

So I ran into work today and it no longer feels like a long run. Its becoming a tempo run instead. I felt good all the way through and felt like my speed was actually getting faster, not slower.

Let's see here.... I guess I can look can't I?

1: 11:23
2: 11:01
3: 11:16
4: 11:18
5: 10:42
6: 10:10
7: 10:18
8: 10:42

Not too shabby for me.

Overall feeling good and strong these days. It feels good.

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