Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Swimming

So after my day of just taking care of myself and not working out I feel MUCH better. The soreness seems to be gone and my energy is higher.

Today during swimming we had our dreaded "test set". This is a set that we used to do with Andrew periodically.

4 X 100 1:45
2 X 100 1:35
4 X 100 1:40
2 X 100 1:30

I made all of them until the last 100 on 1:40. I sat out a 50 and then did the last one on 1:30.

On the 1:45 I was holding 1:35. On the 1:35 I was on 1:35. On the 1:40 I was holding 1:38.

So not too bad. I know I could do the set if I started at 1:50. SO this is a good stretch for me.

I'm planning on doing the Bridge of the Gods loop this weekend so I need to keep that in mind these next couple days.

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