Monday, July 16, 2007


OK. The 4th discipline.... NUTRITION!

So I'm working with a nutritionist now and I'm really trying to change my habits. The evenings are the worst for me. I find that once I'm home I just start putting food in my mouth. I'm not sure exactly what that is I eating because I'm stressed, avoiding something...what? WHat is it. Is it that I am not eating enough still during the day.

I am consuming much less fat which is good. I'm trying to eat more carbohydrates and eat more smaller snacks.

So here is what I am trying to do at each "meal" 1 handful protein, 2 handfuls grain, 2 handfuls fruits and veggies. o I'm really trying to spread out my eating throughout the day and consume my calories more evenly thoughout the day instead of so heavily at night.

It's hard to change habits. I think i've lost some weight but not a huge amount yet. I've got to just keep working on it though. I think planning my meals would work much easier for me so I know what to expect.

i did make a good choice today. I was making my lunch and I could have had a chicken sandwich instead I made myselt chicken soup and only had 1/2 a chicken breast and had veggies that I otherwise wouldn't have had and had my grains as brown rice, a complex carb instead of a simple processed carb. So that's a good thing.

I did come home and start snacking immediately after my evening run and then yoga. But I hate fruit and for dinner I tried to keep my protein down and keep things within proportion. I ate way more fruit than i should have but better that than other things.

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